KWA President Walt Missingham has today announced that Elizabeth Lim is the recipient of the 2011 Outstanding Athlete of the Year. Walt commented: �Elizabeth epitomises the sense…
The Australian Junior Wushu Team for the 2012 World Junior Wushu Championships to be held in Macau, China on September 17 � 25, 2012 will…
The 2012 Kung Fu Wushu Victorian Championships & KWA National Tai Chi Championships were held on Sunday, 5th August at Monash University in Clayton. The event…
KWWA’s reputation for conducting successful events has further enhanced with the conduct of the 2012 WA Kung Fu Wushu Championships. The 2012 Western Australian Kung-Fu Wushu…
KWA President, Walt Missingham, recently attended the inaugural meeting of the new official body for Chinese martial arts (kung fu, wushi, tai chi) in South Australia. KWSA…
Recipient of Kung Fu Wushu Victoria’s First Lifetime Achievement Award Active in the martial arts since the 1970’s Charles’ contributions and sacrifices to further the cause…
Over 170 entries from Australia and New Zealand have been received for the 2012 Oceania Kung Fu/Wushu Championships which are being held on the 2nd September at…