KWA is committed to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of all Children/Young People that are involved in our sport. Our policies and procedures seek to address risks to Child safety and to establish Child safe culture and practices.
- We will keep Children/Young People safe
- Through our Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy, we document our clear commitment to keeping Children/Young People safe from harm, risk of harm, abuse and neglect.
- We communicate our commitment to all our staff and volunteers and give them access to a copy of our commitment statement.
- We promote inclusion, respect and diversity
- We consider the needs of all Children/Young People. We use inclusive program design to support them to participate safely in our sport, particularly Children/Young People with increased vulnerabilities, such as:
i. Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander Children/Young People;
ii. Children/Young People from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds;
iii. Children/Young People with disability;
iv. Children/Young People living in out of home care,
v. Children/Young People with diverse genders and/or sexualities.
- We recognise the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex Children/Young People to be recognised for their gender identity, sexual orientation or intersex status, and to feel safe and respected when participating in our sport.
- We create a culturally safe sporting environment
- We uphold the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Children/Young People to:
i. identify as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander with pride and without fear of retribution or questioning;
ii. to express their Culture as they deem appropriate;
iii. receive an education that strengthens their Culture and identity;
iv. maintain connection to their land and Country;
v. maintain their strong kinship ties and social obligations;
vi. be taught their cultural heritage by their Elders and community;
vii. receive information in a culturally sensitive, relevant and accessible manner; and
viii. be involved in services that are culturally respectful.
- We will take action to grow inclusiveness for all cultural identities and to establish equitable, respectful and empowering engagement with culturally and linguistically diverse communities.
- Our staff and volunteers know the behaviour we expect
- We ensure that each person involved in our delivery of services to Children/Young People understands their role and the behaviour we expect in relation to keeping Children/Young People safe from abuse and neglect through application of our Child/Young Person Safe Practices.
- We utilise clear position descriptions which clearly state relevant Child/Young Person safe requirements.
- We have Child/Young Person Safe Practices, which are approved and endorsed by the KWA Board and outlines our expectations for behaviour towards Children/Young People.
- Our staff and volunteers are given a copy of and have access to the Child/Young Person Safe Practices.
- Our staff and volunteers indicate, in writing, that they have read and are committed to the Child/Young Person Safe Practices.
- We minimise the likelihood of appointing or accrediting a person who is unsuitable
- We have appropriate measures in place to minimise the likelihood that we will recruit staff or volunteers who are unsuitable to work/volunteer with Children/Young People.
- We will meet the requirements of the relevant state or territory Working with Children Check regulations.
- Induction and training are part of our commitment
- We will provide all new staff, volunteers, and participants with information about our commitment to Child/Young Person Safety including our Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy, Child/Young Person Safe Practices and Responding to Child Abuse Allegations.
- We support ongoing education and training for our staff and volunteers to ensure Child/Young Person safety information is provided and updated as required.
- We ensure that our staff and volunteers have up-to-date information relevant to specific legislation applying in the state or territory they are based in or where they may travel to as a part of their duties.
- We encourage the involvement of Children/Young People and their parents
- We involve and communicate with Children/Young People and their families in developing a safe, inclusive, and supportive environment. We will provide information to Children/Young People and their parents/carers (such as brochures, posters, handbooks, guidelines) about:
i. our commitment to keeping Children/Young People safe and communicating their rights;
ii. the behaviour we expect of our staff and volunteers and of themselves;
iii. our policy about responding to Child Abuse.
- We have processes for two-way communication with Children/Young People and families.
- We seek feedback from Children/Young People and have a process for responding.
- We empower Children and Young People.
- We respect diversity and seek to facilitate effective communication with, and empowerment and involvement of Children/Young People.
- Our staff and volunteers understand their responsibility for reporting Child Abuse
- Our policy for responding to Child Abuse is approved and endorsed by the KWA Board and applies to all our staff and volunteers. Staff and volunteers must:
i. immediately report abuse or neglect and any concerns with policies, practices or the behaviour of staff and volunteers;
ii. meet any legislated mandatory or other jurisdictional reporting requirements;
iii. follow a specified process when reporting abuse or neglect.
- Our staff and volunteers are given a copy of and have access to the Complaints, Disputes and Discipline Policy and understand the implications of the policy for their role.
- We document any allegation, disclosure or concern regarding Child Abuse and take action and monitor responses to all allegations, disclosures, or concerns.
- We maintain and improve our policies and practices
- We are committed to maintaining and improving our policies, procedures, and practices to keep Children/Young People safe from neglect and abuse.
- We have assigned responsibility for regularly maintaining and improving our policies and procedures to (insert name or person or group).
- We monitor our staff, volunteers, and external providers and take action to ensure appropriate practice, behaviour and policies are followed.
- We require our staff and volunteers to disclose guilty findings or charges affecting their suitability to work with Children/Young People. We review police record and WWCC checks regularly.
- We have formally reviewed our service delivery to identify and document potential risks to Children/Young People.
- We undertake formal reviews, at least annually, to identify and document potential risks to Children/Young People associated with our service delivery.