2012 Victorian Kung Fu Wushu State Championships & KWA National Tai Chi Championships

The 2012 Kung Fu Wushu Victorian Championships & KWA National Tai Chi Championships were held on Sunday, 5th August at Monash University in Clayton. The event was well represented by many Victorian schools along with some from NSW.

Traditional kung fu events were run alongside those of wushu and tai chi taolu events and Shao Zhao Ming, Secretary General for Wushu in Australia, said, �This has been one of the smoothest running tournaments held in Victoria in some time. Everything ran to, and even, ahead of schedule,� he said, �Even the tai chi finished before the kung fu events� that must be a first!�

The day held other significance as well, with Kung Fu Wushu Australia President Walt Missingham, presenting a special Lifetime Achievement Award to Master Charles Tsui-Po of the Golden Lion Academy, for his long years of dedication in developing and fostering Chinese martial arts in Victoria. It
was only the second-ever Lifetime Achievement Award bestowed by the national organisation and the first ever given in Victoria.

Dana Wong, President of Kung Fu Wushu Victoria, also commented on how well the tournament went off and had this in addition. �With Kung Fu Wushu Victoria also now recognised as the official State Sporting Association for Chinese martial arts by the Victorian Department of Sport & Recreation, the
future looks very bright for kung fu, wushu and tai chi in Victoria. The outlook for an even better championship event next year looks very good, and we hope to reach out to more regional areas of the state as well, with potential help from the Victorian government over time, to allow Victorian athletes of our arts a chance for participation throughout the entire state.�

2012 Victorian Event Photo Gallery here