ACT’s First Lifetime Acheivement Award to David Crook

Renowned Canberra martial artist David Crook was recently honored by Kung Fu
Wushu Australia as when he was presented with the first such award for the Australian Capital Territory by KWACT President Neal Hardy and KWA President Walt Missingham.

In presenting the award Walt commented:

“David is a true martial arts pioneer in every sense of the word, there is simply no one else in Canberra more deserving of this award than David. His work, contributions, foresight and personal integrity have, in no small way, taken us to the successes we now have and will continue to have. He is an
innovator, a highly effective administrator and communicator. When he steps down he will genuinely missed. Congratulations David the entire Chinese  martial arts community owes you a greater debt than it can ever pay”

Click here to read about David