MAIA President Walt Missingham has advised that effective from 1 July 2011 the MAIA will no longer recognise any Martial Arts qualifications issued by a Victorian RTO.…
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AKWF President, Walt Missingham, has today advised that a special 30 minute TV special on the 2010 Australasian Kung Fu Wushu Championships will shortly on air on…
Saturday the 28th of May marked a turning point in the public face of kung fu/wushu in Australia when what was unquestionably the best championships/event…
AKWF wishes to draw the attention of members to 2 Federal Government programs that may be of interest: 1. Community Action Grants (CAG) under the…
The AKWF is pleased to announce that at the recent AGM that AKWF President was awarded a Life Membership with the organisation. The award, unanimously…
On February 25th 2011, Mr. Michael Nicholls was awarded his 8th Degree (Dan) Black Belt in Australian Freestyle Combat. Michael has been training in the…
The AKWF is pleased to announce the largest kung fu wushu show to ever be seen in Australia. Saturday the 28th of May at the Melbourne…